Missive 2 — PJack
RE: Fellowship of the Rings Dear Peter Jackson, ……….First off — congratulations on winning Best Picture and all for LoTR: Return of the King. I know, it’s about six years too late. Forgive me? So, I...
View ArticleMissive 3 – King of Jazz
Dear Miles Davis, I was just hoping you could rise from the dead and record a special soundtrack for me called “The Writing Life: Thesis Odyssey.” If you could get good ole’ Thelonius Monk to help you...
View ArticleFrom Poldy’s Kitchen: Spinach and Basil Polenta
So, what does cooking have to do with Leopold Bloom? I’ll tell you. While he does spend some of episode 4 and 5 in the kitchen cooking liver, that’s not my point. Joyce accentuated the messy, yet...
View ArticleLightbulb #4
This is one of my favorite Joyce quotes: “I desire to press into my arms a loveliness that has not yet come into this world.” It has come to define my ideas on art and literature, my work, my life… …...
View ArticleThe Modern Library Reading Challenge
A challenge after my own heart: The Modern Library Reading Challenge. I have a similar kind of challenge to myself — to read all the books on this list. (My running count is can be found here, under...
View ArticleSunday night: thesis play by play
Expect updates on the hour, half hour, or whenever I am distracted. Expect the tone to change dramatically from entry to entry. Other than that, expect nothing, other than I make a fool of myself. 9:50...
View ArticleWriting Woes — the perils of distraction.
I have been painfully failling at my endeavor to update the Thesis Odyssey section of this blog daily, or even every other day. Why? Because I’ve been avoiding writing like one avoids the plague. I...
View ArticleTime passes.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Or updated my Thesis Odyssey. Truth is, it’s been slow. And I’ve had a couple ideas for blog posts, but once I sit down to write one, I feel like I should...
View ArticleWhy I will write — the James Joyce edition
Given the fact that I am enrolled in a Ulysses course this term, and have already been thinking A LOT about James Joyce, his writing, and his life, I figure, why not do a little of what this blog’s...
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